Emergency Appointments

If you have an acute eye problem, you can visit your optometrist instead of your GP. Equipped with specialised tools and expertise, we can examine, diagnose, and often treat your eye condition.

woman undergoing an eye exam
Optician using advanced eye exam equipment

Emergency Eyecare

NI PEARS - Emergency Appointments

If you have a sudden eye problem and are registered with a GP in Northern Ireland, you are entitled to a comprehensive check-up. This appointment is paid for by the NHS as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. The service can be used for problems such as:

Red eye(s).

Sudden onset pain and/or discomfort in the eyes and or around the eye area.

Sudden reduction in vision in one or both eyes.

Recent onset or sudden increase of flashes and/or floaters in one or both eyes.

Suspected minor foreign body in the eye.

Optician testing eyes of a man

What Happens at an NI PEARS Assessment?

The optometrist will discuss your eye problem including the symptoms you may have, any history of eye problems and related medical history. You will be given a thorough eye assessment to enable the optometrist to investigate your condition.

If your condition is minor and non-sight-threatening, the optometrist should be able to manage it in their practice. They may recommend an eye medication and will either direct you to your pharmacist to purchase the medication or give you a form to take to your GP to have a prescription issued.

Concerned About a Sudden Eye Issue?

For urgent assistance, please contact us directly to schedule your NI PEARS emergency appointment.

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